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quinta-feira, 7 de abril de 2016

In all SEA conditions - My favorites quotes from the famous Bowditch

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"There are several reasons for correcting the errors of a magnetic compass, even if it is not the primary directional reference:
1. It is easier to use a magnetic compass if the deviations are small.
2. Even known and fully compensated deviation introduces error because the compass operates sluggishly and
unsteadily when deviation is present.
3. Even though the deviations are compensated for, they will be subject to appreciable change as a function of heel and magnetic latitude.

Theoretically, it doesn’t matter what the compass error is as long as it is known. But a properly adjusted magnetic compass is more accurate in all SEA conditions, easier to steer by, and less subject to transient deviations which could result in deviations from the ship’s chosen course.

Therefore, if a magnetic compass is installed and meant to be relied upon, it behooves the navigator to attend carefully to its adjustment. Doing so is known as “swinging ship.”




Leia uma explicação para esta série de 30 posts clicando aqui

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