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quarta-feira, 29 de abril de 2015

Tragédia durante regata nos EEUU - NEWS do mês de abril 10

- Tragédia acontecida durante uma regata em Mobile Bay, EEUU.

- Pé de vento repentino e atípico na região, provoca capotagem de dez barcos e mais de 40 velejadores precisam ser resgatados após caírem n'água. 

Leiam a matéria abaixo (em inglês) e saibam mais a respeito.

- Dois velejadores teriam morrido e cinco estão

- A questão do momento é?

- Teria sido esta uma consequência das tão anunciadas mudanças climáticas?

- Sim?

- Não?

- Talvez?

- Fenômenos intempestivos como esse vem sendo anunciados com frequência em várias partes do mundo. 

- Será que em breve, velejar na* MAR, não será mais possível?

- Será que um dos maiores prazeres dessa vida não poderá mais ser degustado?

Fernando Costa

Tragedy on Mobile Bay — 2 Dead and 5 Missing in Dauphin Island Regatta

In  a letter about the Fairhope Yacht Club, Commodore Gary Garner describes the local sailing on Mobile Bay in Alabama.  He writes: “We are blessed with a moderate climate, steady afternoon sea breezes and fantastic sunsets. Our generally laid back lifestyle is occasionally punctuated with bursts of extreme intensity, usually right before the starting gun, or during a jubilee!” On Sunday at around 4:30 in the afternoon, the “burst of extreme intensity” was not a starting gun or a jubilee, but a powerful squall traveling at over 50 knots, and packing winds reported to reach close to 70 knots, that struck the fleet of more than 100 sailboats participating in the yearly Dauphin Island Regatta. Two sailors are reported to have died and five remain missing.

The sea had been relatively calm with a 15 knot breeze blowing. When the squall hit, waves rose to what has been reported to between eight and eighteen feet. The high winds and waves, knocked down many boats in the fleet. Ten boats were capsized or damaged. U.S. Coast Guard Capt. Duke Walker said that 40 people had to be rescued from the water. The two videos after the page break include comments from survivors and video of the storm.

Fairhope Yacht Club is a sponsor of the regatta, which has been held yearly for close to 60 years.  Dauphin Island is a barrier island at the south-west corner of... LINK.

Fernando Costa

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