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quarta-feira, 6 de novembro de 2013

Uneasy way for Japanese who spread over the world - FUKUSHIMA MAIS MORTÍFERA QUE HIROSHIMA, NAGAZAKI E CHERNOBYL JUNTAS 6

Leia (em português) uma introdução à esta série de posts aqui.

Posted by Mochizuki on November 6th, 2013

I needed to make the contract with the devil when I got out of Japan.
It doesn’t mean to do something bad. It means to forgive your “devilish” side.
My “devil” wanted to survive even if they think I am a betrayer. so I forgave me being so.
Ethically wrong, but logically right.
I took my own photo for the visa renewal last week (I’m still stuck in the process to prepare all the papers etc..) and compared it with the one taken 9 months ago. I look so different. The current “I” looks like it can’t be beaten no matter how many times you hit by a steal pan.
I haven’t said to anyone but it was a hard time from
this February to June.
I thought the entire world was going to forget about Fukushima. There was not even a message, comment, not to mention, a donation on 311 of 2013. I can’t describe how it feels to spend the 311 in nearly the complete silence by myself.

Instead of ranting around, I chose to focus on data analysis quietly. It carried me here.
I’m looking for the freedom of existence.
Wherever you are, you are surrounded by the borders in this world. You’re required to have a visa, money, citizenship and whatsoever. Being is not free.
This is why I’m going to Svalbard. In other word, the world makes me go to Svalbard.

Some people still think I’m going there because I like the cold weather, or because I think that’s cool to be bohemian etc..
It makes me sad to think I’m still thought to be a romantic backpacker.
Even if Svalbard is right on the equator, I’d go there. This means, I don’t go to Greenland or Alaska or Sweden.
Anyway, I must survive whatever happens.I believe everyone should be able to exist even without being “allowed”.

After 311, a lot of Japanese spread all over the world. Sometimes they said those Japanese would steal the jobs and employments etc.. It’s not the easy way.
Those Japanese who are going through the hard times tell me that they are encouraged by me.
I’m going a little far, but I think I’m stretching over their...LINK

Leia (em português) uma introdução à esta série de posts aqui.

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