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sexta-feira, 9 de agosto de 2013

Whale Wars: Viking Shores - ANIMAL PLANET - National Geographic - Discovery - The History Channel - BBC - ARTE - 30 programas inteligentes na tela da TV mundial - 9

Animal Planet
Whale Wars: Viking Shores follows Sea Shepherd's battle to end the killing of pilot whales in the Faroe Islands.
In the North Atlantic, between Iceland and Scotland, lies a chain of islands with picturesque beaches and rolling green hills. The Faroe Islands are a self-governing Danish Territory of 50,000 people — descendants of Vikings, bound by proud tradition who have fished these waters for
thousands of years.
But there is a dark shadow over this beautiful land. Every year, Faroese people gather to herd pilot whales to their shallow shores to be killed for their meat, which is a... read more in ANIMAL PLANET.

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