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terça-feira, 13 de março de 2012

Matt Rutherford talk about Brazil and brazilian people - news

- Good morning friends?
- I have a new post from Matt Rutherford, the MacGyver of the Seas, the true Gilliatt.
- In here he starts talking about his passion for Brazil and his sympathy for the
brazilian people.
- Look!

Good winds Matt! If you come back to Annapolis by sea, Il will publish your portrait between those of Joshua Slocum and Bernard Moitessier, on my humble blog. LoL!


Fernando Costa, from Cabo Frio, Brazil

The Mighty Mighty Amazon
Posted on March 12, 2012 by Matt

I’m three days sail from the mouth of the Amazon. I love sailing up rivers. I made it two hundred miles up the Gambia River and I bet I could make it six hundred miles up the Amazon. I would first need a reliable engine and I’ve done no research on the upper amazon. Maybe next time. It’s hard for me to sail around Brazil; this is a country I’ve always wanted to visit. Back in 2009 when I was sailing around Portugal I hung out with more Brazilians then Portuguese. Every city in Portugal has a Brazilian club and Brazilians are incredible dancers. My ancestors must have been river dancing in caves for 10,000 years because I have stiff hips and get sun burn in 2.2 seconds. I tried to dance with some girls but it was embarrassing to...  LINK

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