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quarta-feira, 8 de fevereiro de 2012

Matt Rutherford - Good news, I have good news from the MacGyver of the SEAS !

Matt Rutherford

Our young master Matt Rutherford published a new post on his blog, that the friend reader can start reading right now and here. I avowed you, that I have a deep admiration and a tremendous sympathy for this guy, that will become the first sailor to circumnavigate the Americas alone, on board of a tiny boat with only
27 feets long. Good, very good, excellent winds Big Matt!

Fernando Costa

Progress has been slow lately. The winds have been mostly light and out of the Northwest. I’ve sailed through thousands of miles of headwinds by this point so it doesn’t really bother me anymore. The winds have been light enough to keep the seas mild so I haven’t been pounding much. I’ve been able to keep a decent course for the most part, although I have been becalmed a couple times and just drifted around aimlessly. Usually I don’t like being becalmed but since I’m done with the Northwest Passage and Cape Horn, I don’t really care. At this point I have no more major obstacles in my path and it’s just a matter of sailing the last 5,000 miles back to the Chesapeake Bay. It’s funny when 5,000 miles seems like a short distance to sail.
Things have warmed up quite a bit. I can throw buckets of salt water over my head without the water being miserably cold. I bath and do laundry often; I’m the cleanest I’ve been the whole trip. Clean clothing smells so good! St Brendan has been holding up well for the most part. She seems to be taking on more water than normal. All my bilge pumps have broken so I’m using the oldest type of bilge pump in the world, an empty can of corn and a 5 gallon bucket. It gets the job done.
When becalmed and alone at sea it’s important to stay busy and keep yourself entertained. Last time I was becalmed I held the first annual open ocean... LINK

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