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quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011

Saudades dos nossos velejadores solitários favoritos ? - news


Saudades dos nossos velejadores solitários favoritos amigas e amigos leitores ?
- Querem notícias fresquinhas deles ?
- É pra já!
- Leiam !


Mike Horn Pangaea Young Explorers Program Expedition 10: seven young explorers representing five different countries examining the fragile eco-system of the Everglades, Florida Keys and the Gulf of Mexico © Mike Horn Copyright 2011 - Photograph by Dmitry Sharomov



After 47 days sailing across the Indian Ocean Guppy and I are in Durban, South-Africa. On my last night at sea I met with intensifying ship traffic and came to feel the strong northern Agulhas Current with its higher and steeper waves coupled with a southerly wind blowing at 25 knots that fortunately slowly faded away. It was the middle of the night when I could hear for the first time an African radio broadcast station and also caught a glimpse of some small lights in the distance before we suddenly were swallowed by fog, a very thick fog. Then came the squalls, one after another carrying plenty of drizzle while my radar system kept reporting on the ships around me, ships that I couldn't see at all. Ten nautical miles from Durban I couldn't see anything... Five nautical miles and I still couldn't see...Three nautical miles and... Yes, I can see it! I sighted softly...I was too sea weary to laugh or do a merry dance. Normally I would bounce of joy coming in harbor and this happiness would stay with me for a couple of days. Oh yes, sure I was happy, but I also had mixed feelings knowing that my peaceful time aboard Guppy and harmony with nature were soon to be LINK


Posted on November 13, 2011 by Matt
Day 152, 13,334 miles

I entered the East Northeast trades, which blew hard enough to keep me down to my second reef point for six days. It was a bit annoying having 6-8 foot seas hitting St Brendan’s beam, over and over, day after day. I have such low freeboard that my deck was awash the entire time. Shes a wet ride! You should hear the sounds this boat makes. It cracks and creaks, moans and groans like an old pirate ship. The Vikings used to say a boat should flex for speed. Well this boat flexes alright. The fiberglass is always flexing under the pressure of the sea but the wood inside doesn’t like to flex so it complains all the time. This is nothing new, it’s been like this since I left the Chesapeake bay. I’ve never sailed such a loaded boat. I couldn’t even think about fishing in the easterlies. Unfortunately things are going to get worse before they get better. I made it through the intercontinental convergence zone. Its a strange place full of thunderstorms and lightning. One moment you have strong easterlies then out of nowhere the wind changes to southerlies, then northerlies, then some other crazy direction. LINK


Terceiro brasileiro a disputar a Regata Charente-Maritime/Salvador-BA, Kan Chuh (472 – VMAX) teve o prazer de reecontrar sua família e seus amigos que foram à Bahia para felicitá-lo por essa aventura esportiva e humana fora do comum.
Alegre e falante, logo de improviso, ele já foi abrindo o seu barco para matar a curiosidade de seus admiradores, antes de se derreter em inúmeros agradecimentos.
Kan Chuh terminou em 21º lugar a etapa Funchal– Salvador-BA e seu tempo de prova foi de 21 dias, 20 horas, 54 minutos e 8 segundos, com uma velocidade média de...LINK

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