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terça-feira, 18 de outubro de 2011

Tylosaurus Proriger - Sea Monsters 6

Tylosaurus was the deadliest hunter of the ancient seas, ready to seize and kill just about any smaller creature that crossed its path with true jaws of death—lined on each side with two rows of pointy, cone-shaped teeth.Tylosaurus used its snout to locate prey, which, once inside the mosasaur's menacing jaws, was swallowed whole. When the sea monster opened wide for the final gulp, two extra rows of teeth on the roof of its mouth allowed crippled captives no

Tylosaurus grew more than 45 feet (14 meters) long, making it the largest of the marine reptiles called mosasaurs. Like all mosasaurs, a long and muscular, vertically flattened tail powered Tylosaurus through the water, allowing it to ambush its prey with rapid bursts of acceleration. Paddle-like limbs helped steer the slim body covered in lizard-like scales through the... LINK

18 de outubro (WIKIPEDIA)

1967 - Sonda Venera 4 alcança Vênus.
1989 - Ônibus Espacial Atlantis lança Sonda Galileu com o objetivo de chegar até Júpiter.

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