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segunda-feira, 14 de março de 2011

Corrida contra o relógio - Terremoto/Tsunami no Japão - intempestivo




- É amigas e amigos, segundo o Green Peace a situação de algumas usinas nucleares japonesas poderá ser mais grave do que o governo japonês tem anuciado.
- A confirmar.
- Tudo que for escrito e divulgado numa hora dessas precisa ser confirmado posteriormente.
- Os problemas que o povo japonês enfrentam são complexos demais para serem avaliados e compreendidos no frigir dos ovos.
- Acabo de ler em http://www.liberation.fr/ que mais duas explosões ocorreram de madrugada na usina nuclear de Fukushima!


Greenpeace Response to Growing Troubles at Fukushima Nuclear Reactors

Crisis at Fukushima I/Daiichi and Fukushima II/Daini Plants

Tokyo, 13 March, 2011 – Reacting to ongoing reports of cooling problems and the continuing release of radioactive materials from the Fukushima I/Daiichi and Fukushima II/Diani Plants, Jan Beranek, Head of Greenpeace International’s Nuclear Campaign said:
“Our thoughts remain with the Japanese people, who in the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami are now faced with a dreadful situation, where instead of being able to plough all resources into rescue and relief efforts, the government is dealing with a crisis caused by the inherent and inescapable risks of nuclear power.”

“Despite government statements, the crisis at Fukushima continues to be a race against time, and is clearly not under control. We hope a worst-case scenario will be avoided, and that authorities continue to take urgent steps to protect to people against the irradiation, while  contamination apparently continues to be released into the atmosphere.“

“Current reports suggest new emerging problems with the cooling of at least two reactors, units one and three, at Fukushima I-Daiichi, both of which apparently suffered some melting of the fuel rods, causing a release of radiation that has been detected outside. Unit three uses  so-called MOX fuel that contains plutonium oxide and releases significantly more heat even after the reactor is shut. In a situation where there is melting or damage to fuel in the reactor, several times more radiactive gases would be...

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