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quinta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2010

Teoria favorita sobre a existência da Atlântida - top ten

- Salve amiga visitante!

- O outro dia publiquei um post sobre a Atlântida importado do ótimo http://www.toptenz.net/
- Lembra-se? link-do-texto
- Lembra-se também que lhe perguntei pela sua teoria favorita sobre a existência da Atlântida?
- E aí, já tem sua resposta?
- .................
- Bem, enquanto espero pela sua resposta aqui vai a minha. A número 2. Escolhi esta hipótese por pura simpatia, já que não possuo conhecimentos suficientes pra avaliar conscientemente todas as teorias.

2. Atlantis was in Southeast Asia

If one looks at the geography of the planet at the height of the last Ice Age, they will notice the ocean levels were over two hundred feet lower then as a result of so much water being taken up in the massive ice sheets that covered most of North America and Europe. As such, you can see that the island archipelago we know today as Indonesia was then a complete continent nearly as large as western Europe that stretches from Australia to the Indian subcontinent (which also extends hundreds of miles further out to sea). Temperate, sub tropical, and massive, it would have made a perfect place for an emerging civilization—perhaps even one as technologically advanced as our own today—to take root. Could such a global civilization have emerged then, only to perhaps find itself destroyed by its own technology and all evidence submerged by the expanding ocean as the ice caps melted? Certainly, this would account for many of flood and advanced civilization mythologies maintained by many diverse cultures around the globe and explain many of the similarities between parallel structures (pyramids, obelisks, stone carvings) seen around the world today

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