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segunda-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2012

Matt Rutherford, o "MacGyver dos Mares", lá vem subindo sozinho, devagar mas sempre, nossa infinita costa brasileira...

Bem, já que a nossa adorada Laura Dekker realizou seu sonho de dar uma volta completa ao planeta Terra, a bordo de um veleiro, falemos a partir de agora do "MacGyver dos Mares". Sim, falemos de um arrojado velejador que vem navegando em volta do continente americano em solitário, a bordo de um veleiro de apenas 27 pés, desde o ano passado. Sim, falemos do cascudo Matt Rutherford, que começou ontem a subir a costa brasileira, última parte da sua longa viagem. Circunavegar o continente americano, amigos, pode ser mais difícil que circunavegar o planeta Terra. Concordam? Agora leiam, leiam por favor este trecho do seu último post e entendam porque ele é conhecido, como o "MacGyver dos Mares".

My water maker broke a few days ago. I was able to take parts off my old broken water maker and fix the other one. Within a few hours it was back in working condition. I’ve also had 2 out of 3 of my GPS units break. I took all my GPS units off my Pearson 323 along with my windvane and my wind generator. We couldn’t raise enough money to buy new equipment so a bunch of my equipment was heavily used before I left Annapolis. Sometimes you just have to make do with what you got. One of my GPS units had over 35,000 miles on its odometer before it died so at least I got my money’s worth. The one working chart plotter (Raymairne C70) is in good shape and I think it will hold up until I get back. My AIS is also broken (which sucks) and I don’t think my VHF is working anymore. They have different antennas so that’s not the issue. My wind generator stopped working a few days ago but all it needed was some new wiring. The nice thing about doing all the work on a boat your self is, when things break at least you have a chance of fixing them. I know every wire and bolt on this boat. The real kicker is my bulkhead that supports and takes the... LINK 

Um comentário:

  1. Hi Matt, I quote you again on my blog.

    Read my last post whose title is :

    Matt Rutherford, the "MacGyver of the Seas", began to climb our huge Brazilian coast!


    Good winds


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