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terça-feira, 24 de agosto de 2010

Bill's Log do cascudo William Serjeant - blog favorito

Salve colegas velejadores!

- Procurando por um bom blog sobre barcos à vela?
- Pode ser em inglês?
- Well, eu gosto muito do  Bill's Log do cascudo William Serjeant! Leiam o que ele diz de si mesmo.

"I have been a recreational sailor for many years, with a particular interest in small sailing craft, therefore much of the content of my 'blog' will be related to this subject."

E aí gostaram da minha dica?

Bons ventos

Fernando Costa

2 comentários:

  1. Thank you very much for your graceful comments about my blog.


  2. And me, one more time, I say thanks a lot to you, William, for all the important information, images and opinions that you already published in your excellent blog.

    Good winds


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