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segunda-feira, 14 de abril de 2014

China’s Renewable Energy Revolution Has Global Implications - "Últimos posts de 30 dos meus blogs favoritos" - 14

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China’s Renewable Energy Revolution Has Global Implications

Originally published on EnergyPost.
By John Mathews and Hao Tan 

China’s renewable energy revolution is powering ahead, with the year 2013 marking an important inflection point where the scales tipped more towards electric power generated from water, wind and solar than from fossil fuels and nuclear. This means that its
energy security is being enhanced, while carbon emissions from the power sector can be expected to soon start to fall.

China’s energy revolution, which underpins its transformation into the world’s largest manufacturing system (the new “workshop of the world”), continues to astonish all observers, and terrify some. China is known widely as the world’s largest user and producer of coal, and the world’s largest emitter of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. This is true. Less noticed has been the fact that China is also building the world’s largest renewable energy system – which by 2013 stood at just over 1 trillion kilowatt-hours – already nearly as large as the combined total of electrical energy produced by the power systems of France and... LINK

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