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quinta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2018

Biosan - 10 days of life in an eco-settlement. Impression - voando com as asas de Svet, a Iluminada 20

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Biosan - 10 days of life in an eco-settlement. Impression
A whole day spent in the fresh air - outside (no matter what, premises), - a tent - a good partner in this business. "Aloe Vera" straight from the bush on the face (in the form of a cream) and my green koteyley, straight from the bush / tree / garden, ingredients for a morning smoothie: guayava, herbs, natural honey from local bees (which taste changes with the seasons - depending on the emerging colors), natural sea salt, regrown nails unevenly trimmed kitchen scissors (because your manicure device I had left in his suitcase - in "civilization", for some reason not clear to me) talk on the raw food diet, syroedcheskie days when you do not want to

eat anything, because fed another sutra because "yesterday that something is not eaten at night ..."

Kind of mango trees around to ripening, so desirable, but still so green fruit - season will start in a couple of months (presumably, all while Mexico is littered with fruit mango). Guava trees, fallen ripe fruit which I regularly collect us for breakfast. Papaya, for hardly-yellowing "pears" we hunted a race with the other residents of the community. It turns out that papaya can easily ripen on the shelf, being green. For speed need a little incision in its peel. Orange trees - a tiny, like limes, oranges - just not yet ready. Grapefruit trees - almost ripe .. The banana grove.

At night, the vast moonlit sky, full of stars. Crickets and locusts .. a sense of security, in spite of the potential presence of poisonous animals that might accidentally occur.

Evening conversations around the campfire, burned unusually quickly and easily - all very dry.

Scorching sun during the day, and salvation by him in a hammock "palapa" for a few sultry hours .. Here it is clear where it came from the tradition of the siesta in the Spanish-speaking countries, on the other can not be - at this time the body refuses to do anything normal - too hot .

Rattlesnake crossing the path, - for which I am going - have stood, he heard me and vibrating the very tip of his tail beige. I've seen them before only in programs about animals ... there is no fear, because since I'm not used to seeing their childhood, but have collected understanding of the seriousness of the situation.

Legendary Scorpions, which is to be feared, because their bite can be very painful and cause allergic reactions. I was there because they never saw him.

Lizards like cockroaches running around the kitchen and their large counterparts - iguanas, and laid his carcass in the sun. A variety of colors from dark and smooth to the motley and light.

This Kalibri ..

Large beetles with green wings and the same - in color, miniature protective armor on his hind legs (as in "Iron Man"), hangs on its wings about food, in the morning - they learn anything today give for dinner - however, I never saw them sitting on something.

Spider with big teeth (it seems one of the most dangerous spiders in the world - a hermit), and his friends - tropical cockroaches living in one of the toilets and greets visitors at night. A dozen or two butterflies, moths, melteshaschih in panic from my appearance, in the same toilet in the morning.

Knowledge every day new and fresh fruit, herbs, seeds, berries, and even colors, which turns out to be possible and even necessary to...


- Lendo esta página do belo e divertido diário de nossa amiga Svet, a Russa Iluminada, lembrei-me mais uma vez dos seguintes versos do iluminado Mario Quintana.

- "Só existe no mundo essa eterna novidade que é viajar."

Fernando Costa

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