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quinta-feira, 20 de março de 2014

Tourism has increased in recent years - Cape Verde by Wikipedia 20

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Ilha de São Vicente - Cabo Verde - 2014 - photo by Fernando Costa


Tourism 1/2

The country's future economic prospects depend heavily on the maintenance of aid flows, the encouragement of tourism, remittances, outsourcing labour to neighbouring African countries, and the momentum of the
government's development programme.

Tourism has increased in recent years. Large hotels have been built across the country in an effort to boost tourism. In particular, on the islands of Boa Vista (Club Hotel Riu Karamboa (750 rooms) and Sal (Club Hotel Riu Funana/Garopa (1000 rooms) — the largest hotel in all of West Africa). The country has 207 tourist facilities including hotels, pensions, residentials, etc., with total room and bed capacities rounding at 8,522 and 14.999 respectively.

In 2012, about 533,877 tourists visited the archipelago, for the first time surpassing the native population. LINK

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